Sofia Piña

What are you doing now?
I am currently interning at the Embassy of Spain in Washington D.C.  During the internship I have worked at the Political, Consular, and Public Diplomacy sections of the Embassy.  I am currently in the Public Diplomacy section, designing social media content and conducting website editing and updating.

How has the Fellowship impacted your career?
The Fellowship has had a vast impact on my career. Having my fellowship research paper published by the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress is a highlight within my academic trajectory and is constantly touched upon in employment interviews. Having my research published and awarded the David M. Abshire Award for “Outstanding Paper by an International Fellow” has set me apart from my peers and allowed me to then secure internships at The United Nations Association of Spain and the Embassy of Spain.

What is your favorite memory of the Fellowship?
My favorite memory of the Fellowship was the trivia game when we international fellows met the rest of the fellows for the first time. It was a great icebreaker and got us all laughing. The CSPC Fellowship Conference not only expanded my professional network but allowed me to make lasting friendships and connections that I hold close to my heart.

If you could have any job in the world, what would you do?
If I could have any job in the world I would work at an NGO, working towards a cause I believe in. Having researched the threat of transnational criminal organizations and the devastating impact of the fentanyl crisis as part of my fellowship paper, I would be particularly interested in working towards helping address the current opioid epidemic. 

Sydney Johnson