fostering cooperation between the us congress & diet of japan


As the global competition for technology and innovation leadership grows more intense, the geopolitical, economic, and technological importance of the U.S.-Japan alliance becomes apparent. In both countries, there has been a realization among policymakers of the scope of the challenge posed by the economic, technological, and military policies of the Communist Party of China (CCP). However, economic interdependence makes the competition more complex than the binary blocs of the Cold War, and many in the private sector still strive to balance their economic interests in mainland China with the growing risk of doing business there. Still from COVID lockdowns to executive detentions, the Hong Kong crackdown to the Uyghur genocide, the path of Xi Jinping, his consolidation of power over the Chinese Communist Party, and the geopolitical danger become clear.

Both nations are now moving to address this competition, while navigating the complexity of the economic and private sector interests. As like-minded partners in terms of democratic values, rule of law, and private enterprise, the United States and Japan are also economic and technological leaders alongside their other G-7 partners. Given the importance of the relationship, it is important to foster deeper ties between both nations’ legislatures—the United States Congress and the Diet of Japan.

Based on these efforts, the following report briefly explores the domestic political dynamics in Japan and the United States; provides an overview of both nations’ legislative responses to economic and geotech security challenges; identifies challenges to Congress-Diet cooperation; and recommends solutions for policymakers in both Washington and Tokyo.



Fostering Cooperation Between the US Congress and Diet of Japan

publication date:

April 2023