Iraq Study Group


In 2006, CSPC co-convened—with CSIS, USIP, and the Baker Institute—the Iraq Study Group in order to discuss policy options for the ongoing War in Iraq. The study group, co-chaired by former Secretary of State James Baker and Congressman Lee Hamilton, included two CSPC Trustees, Chuck Robb and Ed Meese.

CSPC played a critical role in rallying broad bipartisan support from both houses of Congress as the ISG moved into its initial analysis phase. Using CSPC’s model of convening experts from government, the policy community, and the private sector, four Expert Working Groups were formed to provide analysis and research on the political situation within Iraq, the broader regional and international strategic environment, military and security issues, and economic reconstruction and development. CSPC also facilitated extensive international meetings by the group members, including a meeting with British counterparts and NATO officials.

The findings of the report—widely disseminated to Congress, the Bush Administration, and the American public—provided policy options for addressing the crisis confronting U.S. and allied forces as violence in Iraq increased.




Iraq Study Group


December 6th, 2006


James A. Baker III

Lee H. Hamilton

Lawrence S Eagleburger

Vernon E. Jordan Jr.

Edwin Meese III

Sandra Day O'Connor

Leon E. Panetta

William J. Perry

Charles S. Robb

Alan K. Simpson